Saturday, August 23, 2008

> Tips economical oil fuel


Fuel oil increase of price some times then induced at more and more to the number of expenseses which must be released for have vehicle. Ironically, behavior consume Fuel oil increase of priceIndonesia society still extravagant. Therefore, we must clever scrimp, especially face becoming bounce up price him of Fuel oil increase of price.

Following style of vehicle which must be paid attention, so that consumption of BFuel oil increase of price earn more economical :

1. Don't step on pedal of gas jerked, tread have to stabilize and in phases. If pedal of gas stepped on fig sudden, fuel which enter do not go out in the form of energy, but following castaway pass knalpot. This matter result extravagance.

2. Removing tooth of perseneling according to RPM vehicle. Evacuation of perseneling when middle car require torsi (impetus) big, better be done paid attention description concerning maximum moment (maximum torsi) each car (usually in set of kgm / rpm). Whereas, if vehicle have moved (where impetus do not be needed), most efficient if accelerating with RPM among 2.500 until 3.500 and with highest tooth.

3. Measure mount Hydrocarbon and of karbonmonoksida. If result of inspection show hydrocarbon value and of karbonmonoksida too high, this forerunner of combustion in room burn imperfect so that many fuels which is free;useless castaway. In consequence test periodical emission to know the quality of discard gas.

4. Paying attention activator component and burden. Progressively burden weight which must be transported, consumption of oil fuel also will ever greater. While activator (coupling, bearing (wheel), couple (shaft propeller), wheel ace, and wheel) damage or timeworn will cause the loss of energy yielded by machine to push fast car. Whereas, fuel consumption of remain to big.

5. Don't too old is vehicle machine heat.

6. Avoid bunkering until too full.

7. Take care of tire pressure.

8. Avoid addition of vehicle aksesoris needing additional energi like next lamp, lamp gallery of mine, etc.

9. Take care of constant speed, speed about 80-90 km / hour. Moment precede, conduct swiftly and immediately return at a speed of initialy.

10. Wearing lah put on the brakes hand when desisting in zoom.

11. Killing vehicle machine when awaiting.

12. Utilizing AC need him, especially if residing in turnpike high-speedly.

13. Doing periodic treatment.
That way poin-poin which suggested in economizing oil fuel.

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