Sunday, April 10, 2011

=> 7 Tips to Choose Aura Therapy

Various terms are used, there is a call to open an aura, an aura surgery, the generation of aura GHOIB, Ruwatan, ruqyah, etc.. Some seem very modern, some are intentionally directing an aura therapy as a matter of profound mystical unseen. Maybe you are so confused to choose which is good and right.
As a guideline, here are some points you need to understand and pay attention to choose the right aura therapy:

1. Aura is not a mystical phenomena. Aura is a medical problem of psychological, chemical, and ordinary physics can be studied scientifically. Detection of Aura Science is also not much different from other medical analysis tools, such as X-ray and ultrasound photos. It has been proved by Prof.. R. Kirlian from Russia in 1935. In the countries of Eastern Europe and China, Aura therapy since the 1970s has been widely used by doctors at the Medical Hospital to treat patients with psychological symptoms, surgery assistance, and also to reduce the side effects of chemical drugs, especially cancer drug. In America, Aura Science has also been studied in depth. S. Karagulla, MD in the 60s has been found and write a scientific review of "energy fields around people."

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