Saturday, August 30, 2008

> Environment friendly inspiration

Environment friendly inspiration

In all the world, New ideas then spring up by resques earth

Dom Antony Sutch's catholic parish, Former boarding house head laki-lai Downside, Developping green shrift idea in Waveney Greenpeace Fair last year at Suffolk. Exhibition visitor is called admitting their sin towards environment.

Planting profit seed
Movement has loved environment has created chancing new to all entrepreneur in do business.

Innovative olive
At Nudo, Olive estate organic at italian outback, You can adopted a bar of olive tree and Getting the harvest result at year-end.

Sun energy coffee
A peusahaan from Kolorado offereds coffee that produced without electricity. Its way by using rolling barrel that filled coffee seed. Barrel diputar in such a manner to catch sunshine from giant sun panel. Coffee seed in it ripe as in in oven.

Rented baby coat
Each month, Your baby growing larger, and You must then buy new coat. Now, A company german has made layette tenancy idea from 100% cotton goods.

Green generous
Millionaires international buy ecosystems, Then they turn into nature preserve, and Returneding to government or Charity institution. Sebastian Pinera, One of the richest man at Chilik, Buying 120.000 hectare soil, Then planted to return to be natural forest.

"I ready ………love this planet"

Now bride candidate can tie up loyal promise not only to their pair, But also to nature, Environment friendly wedding industrial growth blessing.

Various portal and Little industrial offereds various accesories, From konfeti original flower cut (more organic than konfeti plastic).

Until invitation that can in cycle repeat and Using ink from vegetables. Even online directory to coronet GreenUnion. Co. Uk prepare planning service for your green wedding. Woman bride can buy gown former, But style, Orderring natural menu from supplier local, Decorating room with plants pot than flower and Charterring horse carriage than energy extravagant limousine.

Green car lamp
Car producers from Prancis, Citroen, Taking outside vehicle newest concept last year in car exhibition at Frankfurt. C-Cactus is car hybrid that unite diesel engine technology and Motto elektik. To decrease production cost, The designers cause the loss of some part, Liking board instrument and Compartment box, With replaced contact key with pemutar MP3 portabel sail to touch. The driver sits behind formed rudder likes consul computer. Environment friendly car all at once very elegant.

Individual Porter
Wanting know easy way brings your items purchased sepulang from store? The Hook's trolley and Go from Dewene (Designs our Need can drive a car. Don't forget to mendaur repeat bag plastic you, or Buying cotton bag organic that can worn repeatedly.

“ begin 2012, Special yellow taxi Manhattan will turn into green, ” clear New York's mayor, Michael Bloomber. Entire long taxis replaced with car hybrid. At London. You can order Prius' Toyota from Green Tomato Cars' service.

Worker at biggest energy firm at italian agrees to wear summertime flimsier clothes by decrease use refrigerators room.

Ambitious new Selandia's government is first country that counteracts all the governments buildings from glasshouse effects (absorb carbon same quantity with taked outside).

Don't throwed away
Your know that one-third from your ash can contents can be changed to be compost? Cooperation blessing between university Pusdakota Surabaya and International Kitakyusu Association's Techno-cooperation from Japanese, you can has Takakura's basket, Komposter rubbish organic for household scale. Bacteria found in the basket will elaborate rubbish will be compost, Without evoke smell and Doesn't take outside liquid. You can visit Karinda's garden under the sun beautiful cliff, Lebak Bulus (Indonesia), To get basket.

Future light
Architects now begin leaving glass and Plasticine other with ETFE (Ethylene Tetrafluoroesthylene's, Plastics transparent that resemble with Teflon. Trusted ETFE as future construction matter, and Used at some buildings terinovatif in this time.

Besides wt only 1% compared pieces glass has measured same, Also canalize more many lights, Insulating better and Cheaper in installing. This ingredient can survive until 30 year before necessary replaced, Cleaning ownself and Didaur repeat. Famous design that use ETFE among others Eden's project at Cornwall and Aquatic centre bew Olimpik at Beijing.

The your Norwich Building Society's Peterborough offereds green mortgage. To every instalment payment five first year, They will plant eight trees, Can help to decrease your house carbon emission.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

> Tips economical oil fuel


Fuel oil increase of price some times then induced at more and more to the number of expenseses which must be released for have vehicle. Ironically, behavior consume Fuel oil increase of priceIndonesia society still extravagant. Therefore, we must clever scrimp, especially face becoming bounce up price him of Fuel oil increase of price.

Following style of vehicle which must be paid attention, so that consumption of BFuel oil increase of price earn more economical :

1. Don't step on pedal of gas jerked, tread have to stabilize and in phases. If pedal of gas stepped on fig sudden, fuel which enter do not go out in the form of energy, but following castaway pass knalpot. This matter result extravagance.

2. Removing tooth of perseneling according to RPM vehicle. Evacuation of perseneling when middle car require torsi (impetus) big, better be done paid attention description concerning maximum moment (maximum torsi) each car (usually in set of kgm / rpm). Whereas, if vehicle have moved (where impetus do not be needed), most efficient if accelerating with RPM among 2.500 until 3.500 and with highest tooth.

3. Measure mount Hydrocarbon and of karbonmonoksida. If result of inspection show hydrocarbon value and of karbonmonoksida too high, this forerunner of combustion in room burn imperfect so that many fuels which is free;useless castaway. In consequence test periodical emission to know the quality of discard gas.

4. Paying attention activator component and burden. Progressively burden weight which must be transported, consumption of oil fuel also will ever greater. While activator (coupling, bearing (wheel), couple (shaft propeller), wheel ace, and wheel) damage or timeworn will cause the loss of energy yielded by machine to push fast car. Whereas, fuel consumption of remain to big.

5. Don't too old is vehicle machine heat.

6. Avoid bunkering until too full.

7. Take care of tire pressure.

8. Avoid addition of vehicle aksesoris needing additional energi like next lamp, lamp gallery of mine, etc.

9. Take care of constant speed, speed about 80-90 km / hour. Moment precede, conduct swiftly and immediately return at a speed of initialy.

10. Wearing lah put on the brakes hand when desisting in zoom.

11. Killing vehicle machine when awaiting.

12. Utilizing AC need him, especially if residing in turnpike high-speedly.

13. Doing periodic treatment.
That way poin-poin which suggested in economizing oil fuel.

> Tips choose sofa


1. Select;Choose balmy sofa to you and guest because freshment in sittingroom mean freshment to you and your guest.

2. Select;Choose sofa form as according to room concept, wide of room and his function. So also for the colour of, measure, and form. Is in fact adapted for appetite or if we like to isn't it harmonisasi can be adapted for wall colour or of furniture.

3. Paying attention sofa materials. If made sofa materials of husk, conservancy of costly enough and eat time. Husk sofa more suited for room of there AC. Better, select;choose sofa with materials of microfiber because besides is easy to taken care of balmier also used by in hot room and the price of cheaper.

4. Sofa sit better don't too low and don't too soft, so that can support position sit the correctness. So also with his arm rest, select;choose which do not too low and do not too soft so tha you feel balmy when siting and leaning.

5. Paying attention sofa framework construction because sturdy progressively sofa quality and construction, will gain strength and durable.

6. Paying attention isn't it and quality of spume. Sofa using spume isn't it lower or mixture spume isn't it differ will make occupying him feel not balmy.

7. Don't imbued with of interesting sofa model. His section, sofa with model which is easier minimalis adapt to any room concept.

8. For personal room, can be put down by sofa of U-Shape provided with soft pillows. Sofa model of L-Shape can become precise choice to fill blankness of solid angle.

9. placed sofa in family room have to be paid attention by his measure. In consequence, select;choose sofa which the was amount of him can accomodate the amount of family members.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

> Fengshui

The quadrangle CARPET more was liked

The floor of the house that was some part of the house decoration evidently also must pay attention to the rule fengshui available.

Fengshui the floor of the house had relations that were close to the foundation of the life someone.

This principle had the connotation in knowledge fengshui. In the personal interior decoration had several basic rules. As the carpet regulation was matched with the available house decoration.

The first matter that must be paid attention to was by allowing the carpet to join with the element of space where the place of the carpet was placed. For the wall carpet was suggested allowed the carpet to reflect the form of the room of the public. So as this could create the balance and the harmony.

The carpet that reflected room energy enabled the foundation of the room in line with the other part. This condition compared with the round or oval carpet.

Moreover, was suggested to not have the carpet that had the pattern and the design that busy. This design will confuse energy. Whereas the carpet that had refined and beautiful details as the Persia carpet was not really suggested. This was caused the Persia carpet including in the category of the carpet with the busy design.

The design of the abstract could precisely create the assurance so as was believed often could cause the problem. Not only that, was suggested to not place the carpet in the wall.

The object that usually is connected with the foundation was better was placed in the foundation of the house. This guidance was very important was paid attention to if many people stepped on the beautiful carpet disebuah the shop. (TYA/The source various).

The DRY BATHROOM expedited CHI

Water was one of the main elements in the bathroom. The room with much water tended to have the wet surface and humider was compared the other room. In knowledge fengshui this tended result in was not good.

The energy current chi that was bigger could direct the standstill chi. This risk could emerge if the bathroom was not affected by the sun rays. Also did not get fresh air that entered. So as the room without the window was not suggested.

The bathroom in a house often was the small room in the house. The big room better for avoided the formation of energy chi that was humid and stopped.

At this time the bathroom was in the room being liked. Unfortunately in the view of fengshui, the bathroom must be in the room avoided. Because toilet usually was gotten in the bathroom. This made gathered all the problems resulting from the influence of the sewerage system toilet was damaging.

In the meantime, the activity that took place in the bathroom involved energy of five elements that is water, fire, wood, metal, and the land in the form of pure. Therefore, the location of the bathroom must be chosen carefully.

Another thing that must be considered in in the production of the bathroom being the effect of the disposal of the bathroom and toilet. As a result, was difficult to choose the position of the bathroom that could give the good influence to the energy current chi in the house generally.

The position of the bathroom that was not good could give the dangerous effect, dissolved energy chi the room that was other in the house. Anything his direction, that was best was to not place the bathroom was faced with the entrance, close to the ladder, close to the dining room or close to the kitchen.

ENERGY was abundant in the DINING ROOM

The dining room in fact might not have energy that excessively. So, the laying of several things and the position of the door and the window must be paid attention to.

Like if the window or the door was open to the side of the intensity of the sun during the day. Suggested to install the curtain that was useful to obstruct the sun rays entered directly the dining room.

After that, was suggested to not place perabot antique or the antique statue in the dining room. This was caused to the two things often had Yin energy.

The thing antique was suggested to place him in the lounge room. And if enabled was suggested to not buy antique furnishings and the antique statue in time that simultaneously. According to knowledge fengshui, the two things were not good and better was placed in the museum.

The matter that was not inferior important was to avoid the dining room from the prominent bar, because of sitting and eating under something that was heavy could create various problems of the health. If already had the prominent bar, try to get to conceal him with the false ceiling. Where could cause the problem fengshui. The designed ceiling complicated that could send shar chi to the side of food that will be consumed by all of the family's member.

Whereas the more mixed dining room also was not good. The floor of the dining room must be always higher compared with the floor of the lounge room. To the house with two floors or more, the layout regulation of the room became the more important matter.

If the floor of the dining room lower than the floor of the other room. Better could turn on light with the big strength to increase chi. Not only that, important also to place the high crop in the corner of the dining room. Because the crop depicted the good growth meaning that for luck.

Avoid the Bearer's Object Dammit

The person always was not lucky, sometimes to have his origin. But already naturally if someone wanted always to get luck in his life.

So in several cases was not lucky that could be avoided. One of them by using the Pakua mirror or trigram had the shape of the octagon. Whereas one of the matters that could become the cause from the existence was not successful in the life someone was the laying of the laundry rope.

Basically the laundry rope was one of the equipment of the house house that already natural was at home. However his laying must be paid attention to, good from the side of aesthetics also from the side of knowledge fengshui.

One of the layings of the laundry rope that was not in accordance with the rule fengshui if the direct position in front of the main entrance of a house. This position was believed could become the strangler or the obstacle for his occupants.

This will also give the impact for the life also the profession that was believed will not experience the fast progress. This position in fact almost like the house that was located in the road three-way intersection.

In knowledge fengshui the road three-way intersection not the place that was good because of the soft spirit who went back and forth through the straight road to tend to settle in the building like this. This building received the most difficult part of the negative blow. This negative blow was caused by the existence of motor vehicles that turned at this road three-way intersection.

Apart from the position of the laundry rope, another thing that brought was not lucky for the life of the occupants that is the position of the tree. The tree indeed grew naturally, so that must match him was the position from the house personally.
Because if having trees that his position obstructed the house entrance, then the trees like incense or incense that was ready to be burnt in front of the altar. Whereas his occupants in this case was positioned as his casualties's sheep.


Apart from the luck bearer, metal also was believed could destroy the growth. One of them in the sector of wood, where metal could cut and struck in fact destroyed.

So was suggested to not display the weapon or the rifle on the east wings the house. Precisely on the east of the house was better used metal energy.

This metal energy could be used only if available energy in the house really has been disrupted. Wood energy could be most tarnished if being toilet there. Or if the annual star did not appear, and that appeared precisely to be the dangerous star.

To overcome wood energy that was disrupted it was suggested to tidk used the wind bell. That must be carried out was to be the reverse, that is this wood energy was overcome by using the small metal knife that was hung in the wall.

In order to not cause the perception that sorts, the small metal knife could be hidden when being toilet there. So was suggested confirmed the bell and the wind bell that were hung in the house, were not hung in the place that was gotten the element of wood.

Except if the bell or this wind bell was made from bamboo or crystal. The wind bell there are those that was indeed made from bamboo and the bell that were made from crystal. The two objects was believed continued to have the characteristics of the symbol of the wind bell or the bell.

But because his base was not made from metal, energy chi his element was different. In knowledge fengshui, the bell of the bamboo wind was believed could activate energy chi wood. But unfortunately this object did not have the strength that was the same as the metal bell.

Whereas for the bell that was made from crystal was believed as the energy bearer chi that was good. This was caused because crystal was the strong bearer of land energy.

Avoid the PILE of the LAND in front of the HOUSE

The existence of the hill or the pile of the land that live in in front of the house in fengshui was believed brought was not lucky. This object symbolised the barrier for his occupants.

With the existence of this object, his occupants was believed will not be successful in the business. The same hill will obstruct the entry of the good current chi into the house. Suggested to exile him straightaway.

This condition was valid also if occupants were carrying out renovation of the house. Usually when building the pile house of the land often tertumpuk just like that and increasingly rose in front of the house. So, was suggested to immediately be cleaned so that the current chi could enter the house.

Moreover, many people that perceived lived in his front house the office or the police station will bring the security to their house. Unfortunately this was the opposite of what was studied in knowledge fengshui.

Live in the house that faced a police station often it was considered dammit. This was caused because of the vibration that was broadcasted by the presence of the criminals who were brought to police's office could give the bad influence. The bad influence will result in welfare of the occupants of this house. In spite of that the house that appeared the prison, the hospital and the cemetery. These places was believed could channel bad energy entered the house.

Another thing that must be avoided was the house that faced the fence that many holes persegi. Another thing symbolised a net that surrounded the house, afterwards snared his occupants and could hinder the progress.

Lately the existence of motor vehicles increasingly many. Moreover for a family, most had motor vehicles that more than one. This that afterwards resulted in the car parking lot or the house garage was again not enough. So as often for them who had the car more than one, parked the car in front of the house. The car parking lot in front of this house in fact really did not please. Especially for whoever had the big ambition in the career. The area of the car park in front of the house, in knowledge fengshui symbolised the situation was very blocked. In other words will not have the progress for them that live in there.


In science fengshui, Eastward sea very dangerous. Dangerous Saking, This direction is known as devil door. For that forbidden hard to make house or Door mengahadap up at that. This direction is trusted can causes the occupant suffer ill. Disease dideritapun often the cause ill defined.

Many also avoid living at elbow power plant or Sutet. This matter is caused by radiowave that radiated solidy by power station, Broadcasting station and Television. In medical science also explain this condition can have consequences in occupant well-being who live in near area.

So also in science fenshui, This condition be believed can evoke Incompatibility in somebody body. While, Water not always bersimbol bring livelihood in somebody life. As does water hydrant found in front of house. This matter will not mean pawnbroker will get much money such as those which usually symbolized with water. Hydrant located in in front of house be looked at can get in the way principal entrance.

Can said that water hydrant exactly can cause similar matter in the occupant finance livelihood condition. Current chi positive that can bring luck in the case of livelihood can shut to enter with this hydrant existence. So also with house position located in blocked edge of street also assumed not fun. This condition be caused because houses at frontage diyankini can suck a part energy chi that enter. So that only get the rest with total of course few.

While house that look out on up at esplanade few also be position is not suggested. This retardation be assumed can block energy current chi that come into house. For that, Building that reside in location likes this, Suggested to is not made as residence.


Bedroom in science fengshui trusted can give strong influence towards happiness in marriage life from husb. Liking in energy chi from harmonic bedroom and Importing good destiny. This matter can cause opinion can enjoy successful connection and Fun.

Each one really can run the function well in a family. With location fengshui good, Well-being to all the occupant trusted never disturbed and Doesn't happen to misunderstand. If situation and Connection that intertwin harmonic, Of course there will be no parting and Divorce. If energy current chi at inharmonious bedroom, Every connection time in pair that occupied it to be more bitterer.

This condition makes that pair connection not successful and Of course there will be no happiness in this pair. Even bad matter likes there disturbance from third party that disturb marriage.

Then can evoke disagreement and Mutual impute. Matter then happen communication is stopped. And beyond question will happen a lot of unhappiness.

Bedroom position that accustommed with fengshui good, Not only both for berpasangan but also for still self. Although permanent around life pecintaan the occupant.

But quality sleeps in life really useful for success. For that this matter really must seen perspectively broader and Not only in pair life.

Also must seen widely from itself successful word. For example, From direction aspect and Orientation sleep occupant that can enjoy order as according to science fengshui very good.

Then good destiny can feeled at all of the occupant life aspect. So that success at work and In family and Happy house can created well.

> Green Technology

Like that has been explained to the article beforehand the condition for our earth has at this time been increasingly serious, the shortage of the awareness to maintain the environment was the cause factor of earth damage. For example the CFC use (Klorofluorocarbon) from AC or the refrigerator and gas emissions discarded motor vehicles that produced gas CO2 that was free to air. The two gases had the quite big contribution in damaging ozone in atmospehere and caused the greenhouse effect. Could be imagined by you if one CFC molecule could destroy 100,000 ozone molecules, how many the molecule that was destroyed by the situation as is now the case. Although small but hot from the electronics equipment also had the contribution in global warming.

Humankind has at this time been not again foreign with technology. But many people who did not know that electricity that was used to move a technology came from 700 ton coal each day. Definitely, this joined in give the contribution gas CO2 to quite a bit of air. The experts at this time think about to rescue or most did not hinder the rate of this global warming. Along with this was some technology that could become alternative:

1. The more environment-friendly electricity generator.

Like that was known by us that the electricity generator in Indonesia the majority was the generator of electricity of the fossil power (petroleum or coal). In fact like that was known by us that results of the burning of these materials were imperfect and produced gas CO2 that could result in the greenhouse effect.

At this time often was developed more environment-friendly electricity generators. Nuclear energy for example, although still the matter controversy of his use, nuclear energy in no way released gas CO2 to air. Many countries that still considered to use this energy because of the effect from his radiation that was dangerous and remained very old.

There was also the generator of solar power electricity that often was mentioned with diesel fuel cell or often also was mentioned photovotaics cell. Diesel fuel cell offered a solution to the electricity generator that really environment-friendly. By making use of energy from the sun rays and changing him into electricity energy, this generator of kind electricity in no way released CO2 to air. However this technology it was thought was expensive enough, imagined to one watt him in America was put on the cost $5. Nevertheless was hoped this technology could become the answer to the requirement for more environment-friendly electricity energy.

Apart from the two generators above, at this time we also knew the hydroelectric generator and the generator to be electric wind power. By using hydroelectricity that flowed, the propeller turned the turbine and produced the electricity power. So also with the generator litrik wind power that made use of the wind to turn the windmill.

2. The more environment-friendly vehicle.

At this time the vehicle majority in the earth used the fossil fuel that is petroleum. The requirement for humankind to carry out the mobility has made the request would the vehicle increased each year. This was significant each year also consumption of fuel oil increasingly increased by this significant the level of CO2 that was taken off to air would even more and continued to increase.

At first, tren the use of the fuel was begun by the use of coal, after that developed by the use of the fuel from results of the processing of petroleum that still to tren until this. However tren this apparently will change together with the development of the time and the increase in the awareness would the importance maintained the environment. This Tren began to be switching to the use of gas as the vehicle fuel. This quite positive because the level of CO2 that was dismissed by gas fewer if compared with petroleum and coal.

Moreover, the awareness that the fuel that was used at this time was the fuel that could not be renewed also made the experts be pushed to create the vehicle with the fuel that could be renewed and environment-friendly.

There was the alternative that was offered to answer this challenge that is with used fuel cell. Basically the work fuel cell same like accu that normally is utilised in vehicles. His difference was in accu was needed water accu to keep electricity to his cells whereas in fuel cell needed ethanol, methanol or hyidrogen as energy carrier him. So, we could get this energy easily and cheaply.

Hydrogen for example, we could receive him from electrolysis of sea water that is the process of the separation between H2O and H2, moreover we could also get him dair the organic waste. That was certain the cost that was needed to produce the source of this energy was far more cheaper from fossil fuel, and it was hoped this energy could become the source of replacement energy of the fossil fuel.

3. The electronic device with consumption of low electricity.

The supporting electronic device of the human activity without being realised produced hot that was influential enough towards global warming that happened. Like that was known by us that the electricity generator in Indonesia and in world countries generally most were still using the fossil fuel that produced gas CO2, so was needed the more frugal electronic device energy.

One of the electronic devices that needed consumption of quite high electricity was the computer. This was caused each component inside needed suplly electricity to operate.

His profit, at this time various evolutions were carried out. For example technology processor as the computer brain developed increasingly fast, so as time that was needed to memproes a data decreased. Afterwards from RAM technology (Random Access Memory) for example DDR 1 with consumption of electricity 2,5 volt continued to be evolving to DDR 2 that only needed consumption of electricity as big as 1,8 volt but with the capacity that was same or even higher than DDR 1. by speeding up the process of data processing at least we reduced consumption of this computer of electricity beside the development so that each one part of the computer was more frugal electricity.

Moreover the development against the refrigerator, television through to AC that was frugal electricity continued to be developed. Especially AC and the refrigerator was looked also for the solution to replace CFC that normally is used this cooling implement.

Global warming will possibly be difficult to be stopped in the near future, but we could hinder that happened. One of his methods was by maintaining the environment around and by carrying out saving in using the electronic device. Although apparently small but this meant so much if we could make him a habit. Moreover with planting of the tree around our house so that this tree could absorb CO2 and changed him to O2 that was useful for humankind.

It is hoped with the trivial matter that was done by us could menginspirasi the other person to is that the same and took part in hindering the rate of global warming.

> Globally Warning

Once you felt that the earth increasingly for a long time played hot? The surface of sea water to played high from before? When you felt him meant you must make preparations faced global warning. What was meant globally warning? Why many people Make an issue of about global warning? Dangerous global warning for the life of humankind? In blog various this time will discuss about global warning.

Global warning was the term for the change in the temperature of the climate of the earth resulting from the rise in the temperature of the earth that increasingly for a long time was increasingly hot. This term had also been used to indicate the ice time millions last year that was mentioned globally cooling. Global warning happened because of the existence of the greenhouse effect all over countries in the world.

This greenhouse effect result in by the amount of pollution that took the form of the smoke and carbon dioxide gas that melubangi the layer of ozone as the patron of the earth from the rays of sun ultraviolet radiation directly. Pollution like that came than industrial factories in various the part of the world. Emissions of the motor vehicles fuel also including the contributor the greenhouse effect.

What as a result if global warning this was left alone? Definitely with the increase in the intensity of the sun rays, meant ultraviolet rays that entered the earth to more than beforehand. This caused the illness in humankind like skin cancer. Apart from ultraviolet rays, heat of the sun that increased made the climate to changed drastic and was not uniform. This could create the natural disaster like the storm that tar has happened in recent times in various the country.

Ices in the pole also began to melt resulting from heat of the sun that was not stemmed again. If this has happened, water from ice that melted this will raise the surface of sea water in the earth. The impact is, could be seen by you many countries experienced the flood that was more serious from the year to the year.

It was more again horrifying, the very hot climate diera global warning this could result in destruction of the environmental ecology and could make the foodstuff to be able to not be produced. So as not the matter that tida the possibility bia the hunger disaster will happen In an amount the country.

Could global warning was avoided? Like the other natural disaster, basically was global warning was the matter that could not avoided. However this could be prevented by slowing down the global process warning this as for a long time as possible. This could be done by replacing the fuel kind that did not contain pollution in the industry and motor vehicles. And that important was to carry out the reforestation. As not cutting down trees in the forest and burying plants that was to the area berpolusi.

In fact we also could berkontribusi to prevent global warning. By doing the matter that most was easy and smallest as saving electricity. Why saved electricity, apart from the electricity bill did not increase, also the electricity generator will not process the fuel extra that eventually will produce the smoke that was pointed at as one of the global causes warning. Imagined when many people who saved electricity, the fuel also became many that were not processed so as more frugal and did not produce the global cause smoke warning.

That was second was to save the use of paper. In modern this humankind has been facilitated with IT as the replacement of paper. Although still needed electricity energy, IT equipment has been drafted in such a way as the electricity opinion and environment-friendly. By saving paper, trees might not be in the forest cut down to be made paper and could continue to changed CO2 to O2. So begin to care in the environment and prevented global warning with technology. (Sayid S.A.).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

> Protecting Earth With Gas

"I very this planet will fall to pieces". Question in around obsession make Group CEO PT IEV Gas of Christoper Do launch that answer. Boss company of gas being based on [in] the Malaysia last told, this earth should be able to natty on file to be can enjoy by generations come. Gas business of IEV started at 2005 which is skipper of Christoper Do a Australian citizen of clan of genuiness of Vietnam. For Christoper, this company [do] not only business, but also medium to assist to to save earth provided friendly product of environment. Christoper finally berekspansi tergiur to Indonesia, considering the level of available gas reserve here. Moment talk about with SINDO (newspaper) some times then, he mention that available gas in Indonesia ten times bigger than Thailand and of Vietnam and twice from Malaysia." that almost 8% from totalizing available gas in world", he said. Again big business potency also benefit, IEV finally step into Indonesia brought a heap of expectation to be Indonesia society will change over to use gas and leave oil fuel.

How Indonesia will assist to realize obsession of Christoper?
Why IEV choose Indonesia in ekspansi is effort him? Indonesia have had him of energy appropriate policy of our model business. Business model IEV is to change oil energi to gas. Moment this is correct momentum, considering too high oil price and too old Indonesia of life with subsidy. There is no alternative, subsidy have to be pulled if do not want to go broke. Parallel by withdrawal of the subsidy have to be prepared by cheaper alternative energi, how with society purchasing power and inflation?

Meaning, initially because wishing to exploit oil increase of price momentum?
Year 2005, IEV start business of energi and 2006 us start to research into market in Indonesia. Last, 2007 us start to design CNG plant in Cikarang. Correct, we exploit this momentum because oil price moment continue roof, Indonesia have to have a[n mechanism to draw subsidy. That mechanism is changed all oils with gas fuel. Just to be of Indonesia have gas energi which abundance. Indonesia are eksportir of biggest gas in the world but unhappily why have never weared for home affairs. Though, cheap beside, gas also cleanness. What constraint of for Indonesia to change over to gas energi? Habit. Indonesian people old have accustomed use oil fuel. Of government of Indonesia, strive energi diversifiksi at least have seen made a number of stations bunkering of gas (SPBG), but do not walke because people still choose gasoline which the was price of still subsidized. Whereas CNG we can enter at the price of Rp 3.500,00 ($3). him of monstrous when compared to at the price of gasoline of nonsubsidi. Even if us compare at the price of CNG with justly premium subsidize, still cheaper.

Explanation Of CNG. CNG ( Comprossed Natural Gas) are natural gas which is compress at high pressure about 200-240 gyration or bar 3.000 psi into tube. The process make more efficient to transport gas in number more tocutomer placeses having requirement of gas energi, but in area they do not there are pipe network. There is also LNG or of liquid gas natural, that is natural gas which we make to he to become very cool, becoming liquid or melt with temperature - 1600 degree of celcius.

When both weared? CNG for short-haul transportation or in town, like city transport and cab. Now LNG for intercity journey, like train. Content Energi for LNG almost is equal to like diesel fuel. Both there no insuffiency. Only the difficulty of how to alter people patterned thinking of usage of oil to gas. There is one way to alter him, that is drawing all subsidies, last is immediately changed with new energi. Sector to balmy of IEV to use two gas type result of this company production. Industry and transportation. Especially transportation depend on oil fuel still monstrous. We take train example of in Indonesia in this time still wear diesel fuel, though Indonesia have many natural gases. Other state like Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan, buy Indonesian gas of mass transportation fuel for pittance and them weared in Indonesia. Indonesia oppositely import oil, this is irrational once. Last, in Jakarta there is more than 3 million car and still a few which have changed with gas fuel. But, government of Indonesia now have understood because strarting to strive to be diversified by energi, passing usage of gas fuel (BBG). We believe that BBG is best choice, at least to 50 year forwards.
Hence trusting, Indonesia still has many gases. For household do enabling?
Hard, because household in Indonesia not many using energi. Need of most just for cook whereas in other State which have winter, usage of him more was a lot because of weared for the warmer also.

Department Communication have owned roadmap for the usage of alternative energi [at] gas. Latter just because high gas price and SPBG not yet becoming many [do] not walk. This how?
Gas price if is direct the than gas pipe only Rp 1.800,00 / litre, but after passing process become Rp 3.500,00 ($3). But, if compared to premium subsidize which now Rp 6.000,00 per litre, (gas) still cheaper. Remembered also energi (clean gas). For a while we know pollution in this Jakarta, 70% contribution of motor vehicle. If us change with gas, 70% that pollution lose. For the problems of infrastructure, we will conduct pilot of project which was first target him is the transportation of the cab and urban of Convertion of him how? Needn'T await the division of kit convertion of government. Now we work with mechanism of business just business to. IEV will install center convertation also and operator needn't [release] expense, but in range of selected time are they have to buy gas of IEV. ( Powered By Meutia Rahmi/ Sindo).

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