The floor of the house that was some part of the house decoration evidently also must pay attention to the rule fengshui available.
Fengshui the floor of the house had relations that were close to the foundation of the life someone.
This principle had the connotation in knowledge fengshui. In the personal interior decoration had several basic rules. As the carpet regulation was matched with the available house decoration.
The first matter that must be paid attention to was by allowing the carpet to join with the element of space where the place of the carpet was placed. For the wall carpet was suggested allowed the carpet to reflect the form of the room of the public. So as this could create the balance and the harmony.
The carpet that reflected room energy enabled the foundation of the room in line with the other part. This condition compared with the round or oval carpet.
Moreover, was suggested to not have the carpet that had the pattern and the design that busy. This design will confuse energy. Whereas the carpet that had refined and beautiful details as the Persia carpet was not really suggested. This was caused the Persia carpet including in the category of the carpet with the busy design.
The design of the abstract could precisely create the assurance so as was believed often could cause the problem. Not only that, was suggested to not place the carpet in the wall.
The object that usually is connected with the foundation was better was placed in the foundation of the house. This guidance was very important was paid attention to if many people stepped on the beautiful carpet disebuah the shop. (TYA/The source various).
The DRY BATHROOM expedited CHI
Water was one of the main elements in the bathroom. The room with much water tended to have the wet surface and humider was compared the other room. In knowledge fengshui this tended result in was not good.
The energy current chi that was bigger could direct the standstill chi. This risk could emerge if the bathroom was not affected by the sun rays. Also did not get fresh air that entered. So as the room without the window was not suggested.
The bathroom in a house often was the small room in the house. The big room better for avoided the formation of energy chi that was humid and stopped.
At this time the bathroom was in the room being liked. Unfortunately in the view of fengshui, the bathroom must be in the room avoided. Because toilet usually was gotten in the bathroom. This made gathered all the problems resulting from the influence of the sewerage system toilet was damaging.
In the meantime, the activity that took place in the bathroom involved energy of five elements that is water, fire, wood, metal, and the land in the form of pure. Therefore, the location of the bathroom must be chosen carefully.
Another thing that must be considered in in the production of the bathroom being the effect of the disposal of the bathroom and toilet. As a result, was difficult to choose the position of the bathroom that could give the good influence to the energy current chi in the house generally.
The position of the bathroom that was not good could give the dangerous effect, dissolved energy chi the room that was other in the house. Anything his direction, that was best was to not place the bathroom was faced with the entrance, close to the ladder, close to the dining room or close to the kitchen.
ENERGY was abundant in the DINING ROOM
The dining room in fact might not have energy that excessively. So, the laying of several things and the position of the door and the window must be paid attention to.
Like if the window or the door was open to the side of the intensity of the sun during the day. Suggested to install the curtain that was useful to obstruct the sun rays entered directly the dining room.
After that, was suggested to not place perabot antique or the antique statue in the dining room. This was caused to the two things often had Yin energy.
The thing antique was suggested to place him in the lounge room. And if enabled was suggested to not buy antique furnishings and the antique statue in time that simultaneously. According to knowledge fengshui, the two things were not good and better was placed in the museum.
The matter that was not inferior important was to avoid the dining room from the prominent bar, because of sitting and eating under something that was heavy could create various problems of the health. If already had the prominent bar, try to get to conceal him with the false ceiling. Where could cause the problem fengshui. The designed ceiling complicated that could send shar chi to the side of food that will be consumed by all of the family's member.
Whereas the more mixed dining room also was not good. The floor of the dining room must be always higher compared with the floor of the lounge room. To the house with two floors or more, the layout regulation of the room became the more important matter.
If the floor of the dining room lower than the floor of the other room. Better could turn on light with the big strength to increase chi. Not only that, important also to place the high crop in the corner of the dining room. Because the crop depicted the good growth meaning that for luck.
Avoid the Bearer's Object Dammit
The person always was not lucky, sometimes to have his origin. But already naturally if someone wanted always to get luck in his life.
So in several cases was not lucky that could be avoided. One of them by using the Pakua mirror or trigram had the shape of the octagon. Whereas one of the matters that could become the cause from the existence was not successful in the life someone was the laying of the laundry rope.
Basically the laundry rope was one of the equipment of the house house that already natural was at home. However his laying must be paid attention to, good from the side of aesthetics also from the side of knowledge fengshui.
One of the layings of the laundry rope that was not in accordance with the rule fengshui if the direct position in front of the main entrance of a house. This position was believed could become the strangler or the obstacle for his occupants.
This will also give the impact for the life also the profession that was believed will not experience the fast progress. This position in fact almost like the house that was located in the road three-way intersection.
In knowledge fengshui the road three-way intersection not the place that was good because of the soft spirit who went back and forth through the straight road to tend to settle in the building like this. This building received the most difficult part of the negative blow. This negative blow was caused by the existence of motor vehicles that turned at this road three-way intersection.
Apart from the position of the laundry rope, another thing that brought was not lucky for the life of the occupants that is the position of the tree. The tree indeed grew naturally, so that must match him was the position from the house personally.
Because if having trees that his position obstructed the house entrance, then the trees like incense or incense that was ready to be burnt in front of the altar. Whereas his occupants in this case was positioned as his casualties's sheep.
Apart from the luck bearer, metal also was believed could destroy the growth. One of them in the sector of wood, where metal could cut and struck in fact destroyed.
So was suggested to not display the weapon or the rifle on the east wings the house. Precisely on the east of the house was better used metal energy.
This metal energy could be used only if available energy in the house really has been disrupted. Wood energy could be most tarnished if being toilet there. Or if the annual star did not appear, and that appeared precisely to be the dangerous star.
To overcome wood energy that was disrupted it was suggested to tidk used the wind bell. That must be carried out was to be the reverse, that is this wood energy was overcome by using the small metal knife that was hung in the wall.
In order to not cause the perception that sorts, the small metal knife could be hidden when being toilet there. So was suggested confirmed the bell and the wind bell that were hung in the house, were not hung in the place that was gotten the element of wood.
Except if the bell or this wind bell was made from bamboo or crystal. The wind bell there are those that was indeed made from bamboo and the bell that were made from crystal. The two objects was believed continued to have the characteristics of the symbol of the wind bell or the bell.
But because his base was not made from metal, energy chi his element was different. In knowledge fengshui, the bell of the bamboo wind was believed could activate energy chi wood. But unfortunately this object did not have the strength that was the same as the metal bell.
Whereas for the bell that was made from crystal was believed as the energy bearer chi that was good. This was caused because crystal was the strong bearer of land energy.
Avoid the PILE of the LAND in front of the HOUSE
The existence of the hill or the pile of the land that live in in front of the house in fengshui was believed brought was not lucky. This object symbolised the barrier for his occupants.
With the existence of this object, his occupants was believed will not be successful in the business. The same hill will obstruct the entry of the good current chi into the house. Suggested to exile him straightaway.
This condition was valid also if occupants were carrying out renovation of the house. Usually when building the pile house of the land often tertumpuk just like that and increasingly rose in front of the house. So, was suggested to immediately be cleaned so that the current chi could enter the house.
Moreover, many people that perceived lived in his front house the office or the police station will bring the security to their house. Unfortunately this was the opposite of what was studied in knowledge fengshui.
Live in the house that faced a police station often it was considered dammit. This was caused because of the vibration that was broadcasted by the presence of the criminals who were brought to police's office could give the bad influence. The bad influence will result in welfare of the occupants of this house. In spite of that the house that appeared the prison, the hospital and the cemetery. These places was believed could channel bad energy entered the house.
Another thing that must be avoided was the house that faced the fence that many holes persegi. Another thing symbolised a net that surrounded the house, afterwards snared his occupants and could hinder the progress.
Lately the existence of motor vehicles increasingly many. Moreover for a family, most had motor vehicles that more than one. This that afterwards resulted in the car parking lot or the house garage was again not enough. So as often for them who had the car more than one, parked the car in front of the house. The car parking lot in front of this house in fact really did not please. Especially for whoever had the big ambition in the career. The area of the car park in front of the house, in knowledge fengshui symbolised the situation was very blocked. In other words will not have the progress for them that live in there.
In science fengshui, Eastward sea very dangerous. Dangerous Saking, This direction is known as devil door. For that forbidden hard to make house or Door mengahadap up at that. This direction is trusted can causes the occupant suffer ill. Disease dideritapun often the cause ill defined.
Many also avoid living at elbow power plant or Sutet. This matter is caused by radiowave that radiated solidy by power station, Broadcasting station and Television. In medical science also explain this condition can have consequences in occupant well-being who live in near area.
So also in science fenshui, This condition be believed can evoke Incompatibility in somebody body. While, Water not always bersimbol bring livelihood in somebody life. As does water hydrant found in front of house. This matter will not mean pawnbroker will get much money such as those which usually symbolized with water. Hydrant located in in front of house be looked at can get in the way principal entrance.
Can said that water hydrant exactly can cause similar matter in the occupant finance livelihood condition. Current chi positive that can bring luck in the case of livelihood can shut to enter with this hydrant existence. So also with house position located in blocked edge of street also assumed not fun. This condition be caused because houses at frontage diyankini can suck a part energy chi that enter. So that only get the rest with total of course few.
While house that look out on up at esplanade few also be position is not suggested. This retardation be assumed can block energy current chi that come into house. For that, Building that reside in location likes this, Suggested to is not made as residence.
Bedroom in science fengshui trusted can give strong influence towards happiness in marriage life from husb. Liking in energy chi from harmonic bedroom and Importing good destiny. This matter can cause opinion can enjoy successful connection and Fun.
Each one really can run the function well in a family. With location fengshui good, Well-being to all the occupant trusted never disturbed and Doesn't happen to misunderstand. If situation and Connection that intertwin harmonic, Of course there will be no parting and Divorce. If energy current chi at inharmonious bedroom, Every connection time in pair that occupied it to be more bitterer.
This condition makes that pair connection not successful and Of course there will be no happiness in this pair. Even bad matter likes there disturbance from third party that disturb marriage.
Then can evoke disagreement and Mutual impute. Matter then happen communication is stopped. And beyond question will happen a lot of unhappiness.
Bedroom position that accustommed with fengshui good, Not only both for berpasangan but also for still self. Although permanent around life pecintaan the occupant.
But quality sleeps in life really useful for success. For that this matter really must seen perspectively broader and Not only in pair life.
Also must seen widely from itself successful word. For example, From direction aspect and Orientation sleep occupant that can enjoy order as according to science fengshui very good.
Then good destiny can feeled at all of the occupant life aspect. So that success at work and In family and Happy house can created well.
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