Thursday, August 14, 2008

> Globally Warning

Once you felt that the earth increasingly for a long time played hot? The surface of sea water to played high from before? When you felt him meant you must make preparations faced global warning. What was meant globally warning? Why many people Make an issue of about global warning? Dangerous global warning for the life of humankind? In blog various this time will discuss about global warning.

Global warning was the term for the change in the temperature of the climate of the earth resulting from the rise in the temperature of the earth that increasingly for a long time was increasingly hot. This term had also been used to indicate the ice time millions last year that was mentioned globally cooling. Global warning happened because of the existence of the greenhouse effect all over countries in the world.

This greenhouse effect result in by the amount of pollution that took the form of the smoke and carbon dioxide gas that melubangi the layer of ozone as the patron of the earth from the rays of sun ultraviolet radiation directly. Pollution like that came than industrial factories in various the part of the world. Emissions of the motor vehicles fuel also including the contributor the greenhouse effect.

What as a result if global warning this was left alone? Definitely with the increase in the intensity of the sun rays, meant ultraviolet rays that entered the earth to more than beforehand. This caused the illness in humankind like skin cancer. Apart from ultraviolet rays, heat of the sun that increased made the climate to changed drastic and was not uniform. This could create the natural disaster like the storm that tar has happened in recent times in various the country.

Ices in the pole also began to melt resulting from heat of the sun that was not stemmed again. If this has happened, water from ice that melted this will raise the surface of sea water in the earth. The impact is, could be seen by you many countries experienced the flood that was more serious from the year to the year.

It was more again horrifying, the very hot climate diera global warning this could result in destruction of the environmental ecology and could make the foodstuff to be able to not be produced. So as not the matter that tida the possibility bia the hunger disaster will happen In an amount the country.

Could global warning was avoided? Like the other natural disaster, basically was global warning was the matter that could not avoided. However this could be prevented by slowing down the global process warning this as for a long time as possible. This could be done by replacing the fuel kind that did not contain pollution in the industry and motor vehicles. And that important was to carry out the reforestation. As not cutting down trees in the forest and burying plants that was to the area berpolusi.

In fact we also could berkontribusi to prevent global warning. By doing the matter that most was easy and smallest as saving electricity. Why saved electricity, apart from the electricity bill did not increase, also the electricity generator will not process the fuel extra that eventually will produce the smoke that was pointed at as one of the global causes warning. Imagined when many people who saved electricity, the fuel also became many that were not processed so as more frugal and did not produce the global cause smoke warning.

That was second was to save the use of paper. In modern this humankind has been facilitated with IT as the replacement of paper. Although still needed electricity energy, IT equipment has been drafted in such a way as the electricity opinion and environment-friendly. By saving paper, trees might not be in the forest cut down to be made paper and could continue to changed CO2 to O2. So begin to care in the environment and prevented global warning with technology. (Sayid S.A.).

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