Like that has been explained to the article beforehand the condition for our earth has at this time been increasingly serious, the shortage of the awareness to maintain the environment was the cause factor of earth damage. For example the CFC use (Klorofluorocarbon) from AC or the refrigerator and gas emissions discarded motor vehicles that produced gas CO2 that was free to air. The two gases had the quite big contribution in damaging ozone in atmospehere and caused the greenhouse effect. Could be imagined by you if one CFC molecule could destroy 100,000 ozone molecules, how many the molecule that was destroyed by the situation as is now the case. Although small but hot from the electronics equipment also had the contribution in global warming.
Humankind has at this time been not again foreign with technology. But many people who did not know that electricity that was used to move a technology came from 700 ton coal each day. Definitely, this joined in give the contribution gas CO2 to quite a bit of air. The experts at this time think about to rescue or most did not hinder the rate of this global warming. Along with this was some technology that could become alternative:
1. The more environment-friendly electricity generator.
Like that was known by us that the electricity generator in Indonesia the majority was the generator of electricity of the fossil power (petroleum or coal). In fact like that was known by us that results of the burning of these materials were imperfect and produced gas CO2 that could result in the greenhouse effect.
At this time often was developed more environment-friendly electricity generators. Nuclear energy for example, although still the matter controversy of his use, nuclear energy in no way released gas CO2 to air. Many countries that still considered to use this energy because of the effect from his radiation that was dangerous and remained very old.
There was also the generator of solar power electricity that often was mentioned with diesel fuel cell or often also was mentioned photovotaics cell. Diesel fuel cell offered a solution to the electricity generator that really environment-friendly. By making use of energy from the sun rays and changing him into electricity energy, this generator of kind electricity in no way released CO2 to air. However this technology it was thought was expensive enough, imagined to one watt him in America was put on the cost $5. Nevertheless was hoped this technology could become the answer to the requirement for more environment-friendly electricity energy.
Apart from the two generators above, at this time we also knew the hydroelectric generator and the generator to be electric wind power. By using hydroelectricity that flowed, the propeller turned the turbine and produced the electricity power. So also with the generator litrik wind power that made use of the wind to turn the windmill.
2. The more environment-friendly vehicle.
At this time the vehicle majority in the earth used the fossil fuel that is petroleum. The requirement for humankind to carry out the mobility has made the request would the vehicle increased each year. This was significant each year also consumption of fuel oil increasingly increased by this significant the level of CO2 that was taken off to air would even more and continued to increase.
At first, tren the use of the fuel was begun by the use of coal, after that developed by the use of the fuel from results of the processing of petroleum that still to tren until this. However tren this apparently will change together with the development of the time and the increase in the awareness would the importance maintained the environment. This Tren began to be switching to the use of gas as the vehicle fuel. This quite positive because the level of CO2 that was dismissed by gas fewer if compared with petroleum and coal.
Moreover, the awareness that the fuel that was used at this time was the fuel that could not be renewed also made the experts be pushed to create the vehicle with the fuel that could be renewed and environment-friendly.
There was the alternative that was offered to answer this challenge that is with used fuel cell. Basically the work fuel cell same like accu that normally is utilised in vehicles. His difference was in accu was needed water accu to keep electricity to his cells whereas in fuel cell needed ethanol, methanol or hyidrogen as energy carrier him. So, we could get this energy easily and cheaply.
Hydrogen for example, we could receive him from electrolysis of sea water that is the process of the separation between H2O and H2, moreover we could also get him dair the organic waste. That was certain the cost that was needed to produce the source of this energy was far more cheaper from fossil fuel, and it was hoped this energy could become the source of replacement energy of the fossil fuel.
3. The electronic device with consumption of low electricity.
The supporting electronic device of the human activity without being realised produced hot that was influential enough towards global warming that happened. Like that was known by us that the electricity generator in Indonesia and in world countries generally most were still using the fossil fuel that produced gas CO2, so was needed the more frugal electronic device energy.
One of the electronic devices that needed consumption of quite high electricity was the computer. This was caused each component inside needed suplly electricity to operate.
His profit, at this time various evolutions were carried out. For example technology processor as the computer brain developed increasingly fast, so as time that was needed to memproes a data decreased. Afterwards from RAM technology (Random Access Memory) for example DDR 1 with consumption of electricity 2,5 volt continued to be evolving to DDR 2 that only needed consumption of electricity as big as 1,8 volt but with the capacity that was same or even higher than DDR 1. by speeding up the process of data processing at least we reduced consumption of this computer of electricity beside the development so that each one part of the computer was more frugal electricity.
Moreover the development against the refrigerator, television through to AC that was frugal electricity continued to be developed. Especially AC and the refrigerator was looked also for the solution to replace CFC that normally is used this cooling implement.
Global warming will possibly be difficult to be stopped in the near future, but we could hinder that happened. One of his methods was by maintaining the environment around and by carrying out saving in using the electronic device. Although apparently small but this meant so much if we could make him a habit. Moreover with planting of the tree around our house so that this tree could absorb CO2 and changed him to O2 that was useful for humankind.
It is hoped with the trivial matter that was done by us could menginspirasi the other person to is that the same and took part in hindering the rate of global warming.
Humankind has at this time been not again foreign with technology. But many people who did not know that electricity that was used to move a technology came from 700 ton coal each day. Definitely, this joined in give the contribution gas CO2 to quite a bit of air. The experts at this time think about to rescue or most did not hinder the rate of this global warming. Along with this was some technology that could become alternative:
1. The more environment-friendly electricity generator.
Like that was known by us that the electricity generator in Indonesia the majority was the generator of electricity of the fossil power (petroleum or coal). In fact like that was known by us that results of the burning of these materials were imperfect and produced gas CO2 that could result in the greenhouse effect.
At this time often was developed more environment-friendly electricity generators. Nuclear energy for example, although still the matter controversy of his use, nuclear energy in no way released gas CO2 to air. Many countries that still considered to use this energy because of the effect from his radiation that was dangerous and remained very old.
There was also the generator of solar power electricity that often was mentioned with diesel fuel cell or often also was mentioned photovotaics cell. Diesel fuel cell offered a solution to the electricity generator that really environment-friendly. By making use of energy from the sun rays and changing him into electricity energy, this generator of kind electricity in no way released CO2 to air. However this technology it was thought was expensive enough, imagined to one watt him in America was put on the cost $5. Nevertheless was hoped this technology could become the answer to the requirement for more environment-friendly electricity energy.
Apart from the two generators above, at this time we also knew the hydroelectric generator and the generator to be electric wind power. By using hydroelectricity that flowed, the propeller turned the turbine and produced the electricity power. So also with the generator litrik wind power that made use of the wind to turn the windmill.
2. The more environment-friendly vehicle.
At this time the vehicle majority in the earth used the fossil fuel that is petroleum. The requirement for humankind to carry out the mobility has made the request would the vehicle increased each year. This was significant each year also consumption of fuel oil increasingly increased by this significant the level of CO2 that was taken off to air would even more and continued to increase.
At first, tren the use of the fuel was begun by the use of coal, after that developed by the use of the fuel from results of the processing of petroleum that still to tren until this. However tren this apparently will change together with the development of the time and the increase in the awareness would the importance maintained the environment. This Tren began to be switching to the use of gas as the vehicle fuel. This quite positive because the level of CO2 that was dismissed by gas fewer if compared with petroleum and coal.
Moreover, the awareness that the fuel that was used at this time was the fuel that could not be renewed also made the experts be pushed to create the vehicle with the fuel that could be renewed and environment-friendly.
There was the alternative that was offered to answer this challenge that is with used fuel cell. Basically the work fuel cell same like accu that normally is utilised in vehicles. His difference was in accu was needed water accu to keep electricity to his cells whereas in fuel cell needed ethanol, methanol or hyidrogen as energy carrier him. So, we could get this energy easily and cheaply.
Hydrogen for example, we could receive him from electrolysis of sea water that is the process of the separation between H2O and H2, moreover we could also get him dair the organic waste. That was certain the cost that was needed to produce the source of this energy was far more cheaper from fossil fuel, and it was hoped this energy could become the source of replacement energy of the fossil fuel.
3. The electronic device with consumption of low electricity.
The supporting electronic device of the human activity without being realised produced hot that was influential enough towards global warming that happened. Like that was known by us that the electricity generator in Indonesia and in world countries generally most were still using the fossil fuel that produced gas CO2, so was needed the more frugal electronic device energy.
One of the electronic devices that needed consumption of quite high electricity was the computer. This was caused each component inside needed suplly electricity to operate.
His profit, at this time various evolutions were carried out. For example technology processor as the computer brain developed increasingly fast, so as time that was needed to memproes a data decreased. Afterwards from RAM technology (Random Access Memory) for example DDR 1 with consumption of electricity 2,5 volt continued to be evolving to DDR 2 that only needed consumption of electricity as big as 1,8 volt but with the capacity that was same or even higher than DDR 1. by speeding up the process of data processing at least we reduced consumption of this computer of electricity beside the development so that each one part of the computer was more frugal electricity.
Moreover the development against the refrigerator, television through to AC that was frugal electricity continued to be developed. Especially AC and the refrigerator was looked also for the solution to replace CFC that normally is used this cooling implement.
Global warming will possibly be difficult to be stopped in the near future, but we could hinder that happened. One of his methods was by maintaining the environment around and by carrying out saving in using the electronic device. Although apparently small but this meant so much if we could make him a habit. Moreover with planting of the tree around our house so that this tree could absorb CO2 and changed him to O2 that was useful for humankind.
It is hoped with the trivial matter that was done by us could menginspirasi the other person to is that the same and took part in hindering the rate of global warming.
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